Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Frequently Asked Questions

21. What are the differences between a formula, variable and user objects?

22. Did you face any problems while creating reports? Name? Solutions?

23. How do you schedule the reports?

24. How were the reports scheduled and how to resolve unexecuted documents?

25. What is a micro cube? How many can a document have?

26. Have you worked with multiple data sources? If yes. How do you link them?

27. What are templates? Explain what you have created?

28. I have some multi data providers (excel, text, universe). I want only retrieve the data from excel only. How to write the query in query panel?

29. What is slice and dice? What is the use of slice and dice?

30. What is core dimension?

31. How do see the query performance in report?

32. I want to display the last refresh report date and time in the below of the report, how will you do that?

33. While running the query how much time it will taken, I want to see the time?

34. What is Report Bursting?

35. What is the use of alias and context? Which is the better for solving the loops? Why? Why we use alias and why we use context?

36. How to improve the query performance in to report level and designer level?

37. I have 3 tables A, B, C. I connected A to B and B to C. I want to report ABC, is there any loop problem will occur or not?

38. I have 4 tables A, B, C, D. I connected A to B, B to C, C to D and D to A. I want to report ABC, is there any loop problem will occur or not? What is the Problem?

39. How to interactive with Clients?

40. Can u tell me, what is the major problem you faced in your experience? How did you resolve the problem?

41. I have one problem? My Client to told resolve the problem with in 2 hours, but its taken by full day (8 hours). How will u convince the client?

42. How Many Classes and Objects you have in your Universe?